Thursday, January 3, 2013

Little Red Duck Dog and Her Ball

Hi everyone! As some of you may know, the world of conformation is very particular and subjective. Each judge is different and have different things that they are looking for. One might be looking at the coloring another movement. Camden has a high white front paw that is a little too high for the breed standard. This isn't a huge problem, but it isn't offset very well. Her other front paw has very minimal white. There is also some other concerns I have, but I wont sit here and list them all... it boils down to her having a lot going against her for showing. A true underdog.

This however does not mean that it all ends. I am going to keep training her for conformation. If for nothing more than the bond and the fun we have training. Not to mention the great manners and control it gives you and the dog. The name of the game is to have fun with your dog! I want to do something we will both enjoy and I think Cami has found her calling.

Being a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever obviously means she is born to retrieve... I believe it is more than that. She absolutely loves retrieving. She goes nuts. Her face lights up and she has the focus and dedication to learning that I haven't experienced in another dog. She focuses on the toy... on me.... and really seems like she wants to learn. She was a natural and picked it up without any real training. I never really taught her to fetch, or bring a toy back, drop it, or leave it. She just seems to get it.

With all that being said, we are going to focus on training for retrieving and hunt trails. I have a wonderful group of breeders who are there for me and support me. After talking with Laurie and really seeing Cami's face light up while retrieving we are going to dive into hunting trials. After all, it is really what NSDTRs are born to do.

This is going to be interesting for a girl who doesn't hunt and has never picked up a gun in her life to transform her and her dog into hunting partners. For now I will not be going hunting with Camden... if that is required I have some family friends who I am sure would love to take her :-)

We are taking it day by day and just trying to have fun. I'm a competitive person and really have been searching for something I can do that I love. I think NSDTRs are it :-) So happy about my choice in breed! I'm loving this journey with an amazing four legged red head!

(Pictures and videos of her playing and fetching in the snow to follow)


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