Tuesday, January 8, 2013

On the Road Again

Back to Fitchburg we go! 
This is going to be short and sweet. I just wanted to inform the Cam-arazzi about upcoming events! 

Camden and I are packing up and headed back to Fitchburg, MA again this weekend. Once again... not to compete, but to be with the lovely ladies of Seastar and support tollers. Jake only needs 3pts to finish! Wow what a boy! He already has had his two majors and is so close to his CH. Maybe Cam is his good luck charm! Crossing our paws!!

I am really excited to be going to another show. I'm sure Camden is also. I know she had a lot of fun last time. I think we definately would have fun doing this, but we shall see where Camden brings me. She opens up doors to places I only thought about. We have so much ahead of us on this crazy journey! I am already worlds away from where I thought I would ever be with a dog. 

I can't wait to hang out with Debbie and Laurie again!! Two ladies who are just so much fun to be around and a wealth of knowledge! Camden will also be able to meet a lot of other Seastar people... including Jane, the lady who started it all. Intimidated doesn't really begin to describe it. I'm anxious and nervous... but oh so excited! I'm sure she is just like every other toller person I have met or talked to, super nice and friendly. 
All rights belong to You Dirty Dog Wash & Boutique

I'm going to have to take Cam by our favorite doggie spa, You Dirty Dog! This place is really awesome. If anyone is in the Southern Maine area (South Portland), I highly recommend them! They are such lovely people with a great facility. Not to mention reasonable priced. Camden's favorite part is their treat bar! So much yumminess in one place! 

Picture they took of Cam-cam last time we were there... right before the first show!
I will be sure to take lots of pictures and post about our experiences at the show! I just hope this flu/cold I have leaves before Saturday so I can really have a good time. Keep checking back for more updates! 


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