Sunday, January 13, 2013

Keepin' it in the Family

A Great Day for Seastar & Cooper!
Camden is very proud to be a Seastar Toller and Cooper pup!

Fitchburg was, in one word, fun! I love being around all the different breeds and people who share my love of dogs. It makes my soul happy.

Our day started out a little crazy. I don't know why but we thought it was only going to take about an hour and 20 mins to an hour and 30 mins to get to the show. It took "over" two hours according to my GPS. Oh boy! Talk about panic... on my part, not Camden's. She just slept the whole way. I managed to get there in a little less than two hours and make the end of the toller judging.


BOB: GCH Lennoxlove Susqudilla's Mini Cooper (Cooper - Cami's Dad)
BOS/WB: Seastar's Northern Cay (Cay)
BOW/WD: Seastar's Northern Jumpin' Jake Flash (Jake)
SELECT DOG: CH Seastar's Welcome Brother (Emmet)

Camden got a good once over from Robyn (Cooper's owner) and the results are good. Laurie said she definitely gained some leg since the last show we went to in November!! Her high white is only about two fingers too high so not that much. Not bad, but some judges won't like the fact the other one has next to nothing. I'm so glad to hear that they all think we should give it a try and have fun with it! Seastar is all about having fun with your dog. 

Jane & Robyn were so nice and down to earth. Just like all "toller people" I've met. I also got to meet Hope, Magic, and Sadie (the original Toller in Seastar!) Jane was nice enough to bring them. They are still beautiful dogs even as they age! 

Laurie brought her dog and was showing me what to do for some basic retrieval training. She also brought three dummies for Cam-cam to use! Camden wanted to chase it down and did a wonderful job... until it came to picking it up. I don't think she has had any "toy" in her mouth with that much weight to it and that large around. She would rather just pick up the throwing rope. Laurie showed me how to make it fun for her and teach her how to hold the dummy at the same time. We have already had a "training session" at home and she got really excited about it. We will just keep working on it until she can hold it herself for longer than a few seconds. 

Overall, it was a really fun day and we learned a lot. Debbie has offered to go in the ring to show Cami and we will most likely take her up on that offer since I am not that comfortable going in to the ring yet.  Probably going to hold out a little for some more training and for her coat to fill in more. Jane said that a lot of changes come between 8 and 12 months! Looking forward to those changes and all of what 2013 has to bring! 


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