Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pet Life Dock Dogs National Event

This past weekend was full of fun and excitement for the Tollers. We took them to the Dock Dogs even on Saturday. The event was located at Pet Life (Cabela's Plaza) in our home town of Scarborough. This event is one of the best dock dog events I have been to. They have bleachers and a seated section under a tent. Pet Life even set up several kiddie pools and a hose with holes in it to mist the dogs and keep the pavement cool.

The threat of rain of severe thunderstorms stayed away leaving us with sunshine and a slight breeze. After seeing several dogs  off the dock there was one inspirational dock dogger. A jack russell terrier sped down the dock and launched itself off the dock. Now the dog may not have had the longest jumps that day, but I would say was definitely a crowd pleaser. If only Quinn loved water. I really need to teach her to love it.. She is so fast and can jump so high. Plus she is a diva and loves attention. I would of course have to buy her a hot pink superfly suit.

We decided to take a break and hang out by our pool to try to beat the heat. After a breather we went back to check out the extreme vertical (EV). For those of you that don't know EV it is where they hang a bumper suspended over the water. It's measured from the dock to the height of the bumper before being swung out over the water. Based on your dog skill level you can choose what height you wish to start jumping at. For example, you will have one dog start at 6'0" and another at 6'6". It keeps going up in 2" increments your dog is allowed a miss, but after the second miss you are eliminated. Team Dalton made their debut at 6'4" and rocked it! We watched jump after jump until Beckett, a Belgian Mallinois, hit a personal best of 6'10" and Taho, a Yellow Labrador Retriever, was left to battle it out with Trip, a Chocolate Labrador Retriever. Both got all the way up to 7'4" before missing and being eliminated.... so it falls to a "shoot out".

Taho and Trip now must would go down an inch and if they both make it then they go up 2" if they both miss they go down another inch. They started off again at 7'4", both missed it... and it was lowered to 7'3" which they of course both hit. The bumper was again raised, this time to 7'6"... which of course they both miss. This time lowered back down to once again the illusive 7'4"! Trip was up first and the poor guy just had no more gas in the tank. After Trip's miss it was up to Taho to end it. He launched himself off the dock and managed to knock the bumper down. He hit 7'4" a personal best. After talking with Jesse and Jen it is truly amazing. He has hit 7'2" once in practice and he has only hit 6' 10" in competition! What a pup! Trip also hit a personal best of 7'3". What an amazing day!!

EV Rankings:

1.) Taho 7'4"
2.) Trip 7'3"
3.) Beckett 6'10"

***If you are interested in in seeing most of the high flying action follow this link to Camden's youtube channel to see all the Dock Dogs action!***

We went back on Sunday too to catch Taho in Speed Retrieve (SR) where he clocked in at a respectable 7.065 seconds. We also caught Beckett in the Big Air Semi-Pro Finals and got to see Taho win the Pro Big Air Finals! I also heard that Taho also won Iron Dog breaking 3000pts another personal best!!! WOW!!! WAY TO GO TEAM DALTON!

As far as Camden and Casco are concerned they are already members of Seacoast Dock Dogs. Casco has yet to get up on the dock, but we shall see soon enough how comfortable he is with it. As for Camden is concerned she has been up on the dock, to the edge and crying, but she won't jump in. We did work a little with her on the ramp, but she won't swim yet. I'm going to have to get some advice and a little help from Team Dalton on this one!

If anyone is interested in learning more about the awesome sport of Dock Dogs or the Seacoast Dock Dogs Club to which we belong please visit the links! They really are worth taking a peek!!

If you would like to know more about the amazing dogs a people behind Team Dalton and Team 21, which supports down syndrome awareness please visit the links and keep an eye out... They might just be coming to a dock dogs event near you!


1 comment:

  1. I guess you should manage such kind of events in future as well.
    Find My Pet
