Saturday, June 22, 2013

Topsfield Cluster

“Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made. ” ― Roger A. Caras

I'm struck by the truth in. She his quote. As I sit here and think about my dogs and the dogs of friend's, I'm forced to reflect upon my own life. If only we could all be more like the furry, loving creatures who warm our hearts and beds. They give us so much yet ask for very little. Take a moment and hug your dog... for tomorrow is not a promise or a guarantee, but yet a question yet to be answered. 

Day One

The day just felt good. You know that feeling when everything seems to fall in to place and it all just clicks. Well this was one of those days...

One of my favorite things about dog shows is the hustle and bustle. There is a dull hum of conversation and lingers throughout the grounds. You wind through mazes of grooming tables and kennels... bags and trunks. A roar from a blowdryer and a whirl of a dremel is enough to start a chain of grumbles and barks. People pass, with or without dogs, and children point and wonder about all the different breeds. As ring time approaches, all seems to slow down. The chaos that consumed you just minutes before becomes a distant memory as you march towards the ring. 

Camden was once again going into the ring with Marcy. She seemed relaxed, which is more than I can say for myself! I was a wreck. For the first time ever there was a possibility that I would have to enter the ring. You see, today was a big day... lots of tollers and Debbie and Melissa were going to show Kelty and Jake. They are two finished champions and would only enter the ring during the 'Best of Breed' judging. What does this all mean... Camden or Miss G would have to be named Winner's Bitch. This would be something neither of them had done before.

One Classy Broad

Camden and Debbie entered the ring and so it began. Cam did well and really was gaiting beautifully. After her evaluation and while doing her go around the judge went to check the standard. Melissa and I thought it was game over... he was checking up on the high white. While it isn't a disqualification... it's a fault. Things weren't looking good. After Marcy's evaluation it seemed as if we were right. It seemed as if he was giving the first place ribbon to Marcy.... but at the last second he seemed to change his mind and put Cami up! Oh be still my heart... my girl did it! Another blue ribbon and another first placement in her class. 

12 & Under 18 Months, Bitches - 1st Place

Could it be?

It was then on to Winner's Bitch. Camden once again hit her stride, but sure enough this is where the high white was going to really come into play. 

I was shaking in my flats. If Camden somehow did it... if she managed to get Winner's Bitch. "Breathe," I had to remind myself, "she has yet to do that!" Off they started around the ring. Camden just was on top of her game... she was bringing it tonight. It was like she was daring me. "I've done it mom.... I'm out here. It is your turn now!"

And just like that, the judge pointed to Camden. She had done it... she had taken winner's bitch. She got her first two points towards her championship. Now, I don't know if she will ever get her CH but I'm so very proud of my girl and I can't help but smile!! Today was a good day. One I will always remember. I do hope that it is the first of many and we can work our way towards that CH that I know she deserves despite her high white.

Best of Breed

No, Camden did not win Breed that day. I didn't care... at that point I was just so happy and overjoyed. Of course I was flung into the ring beside Camden. I could have done a better job at handling her... true, but HEY it is my first time. I'm still a newbie to all of this! I know some of you are wondering how that went... so I've included the video. Unlike the one above I can't get it to load in this post. So I will make a page dedicated to videos. Enjoy..... oh, and no laughing! 

Camden's Picture for her First two Points! 

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