Friday, November 30, 2012

Hi-Ho! Hi-Ho! It's off to a show we go!

We are going to attend our first dog show! Now before you all get all excited for Ms. Cam-Cam she is not actually going to be showing. Tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 1st) Camden and I will be headed to Fitchburg, MA. There we will be meeting up with the lovely ladies of Seastar Kennels as they show some of their own pooches.

We felt like it would be a great chance to see how Camden does around all the noises and commotion that come along with an indoor show. In our class we have done a lot of work with different situations that could happen in the show ring. This included gates crashing, clapping, cheering, metal chairs falling over, and a much more. I am hopeful that Camden does well and doesn't totally freak out with everything going on.

This will be my first time actually attending a dog show and I couldn't be more excited. She has never been to a show either and although she won't be competing she will be "evaluated" every step of the way! I hope all the hard work we have done really shows when Camden is around all the hustle and bustle of an indoor show.

I also can't wait to see Debbie Smith, of Seastar Kennels. She has been so helpful along this journey. She has always been there for me with answers to any questions or concerns I may have. Another valued toller contact is my sweeet Cami's actual breeder, Stacy Adams! She is going to try to come and see Camden at the show! I can't wait since I have not actually met Stacy. She came to my house to see how Camden was settling in, but I unfortunately had to work. I will say I have yet to meet a "toller" person who isn't welcoming and so very nice. Everyone is so helpful and truly wants Cami and I to be the best we can! 

I will keep you all posted on Camden's progress with the stacking blocks and let you know how her "first show" goes! I will also be sure to take lots and lots of pictures! Stay tuned!


Stacking Blocks... Do's and Dont's

I don't know if many of you know what those are, but they are like little pedestals that your dog learns to stand on. It helps teach them where to place their paws for a proper stand or stack. With Camden it is also teaching her not to be such a wiggle butt. She stays put but if someone gets too close then she her tail starts to go and she just loses it! 

Now these stacking blocks do not come cheap. Happy Legs are about $200 for a set and there are ones called Neat Feet that are about $71 for the size I need. That is quite the expense on something I hope to not have to use after a while. I looked at pictures online (and like the agility ladder) said "HEY! I'm one crafty lady. I can do that... NO SWEAT!"

A few days ago, I set out on a mission to create these stacking blocks from scratch. I had a general idea and some vague measurements from the internet. I jumped in my car, all full of confidence and self esteem. Little did I know what was in store for me! 

I got to Lowe's and easily found the massive wood section. I soon ran into snag number one. Baffled, I couldn't figure out why whenever I measured a piece of wood they were not the right size! Lowe's was inaccurate in their measurements... or everything was just in the wrong spot! I needed 4" width and all I could find was a 3.5" width trying to be cleaver and pass itself off as larger! I mean we all do that... but I didn't know wood was so self-conscience. Apparently, according to my father, EVERYONE knows that when it says 4" it really is only 3.5"... everyone but this chick!! I ended up going with a 6" piece (5.5") for the bottom platform. I figured it was better to go a little larger than smaller. 

When I got home all proud and showed my father he looked at me and asked what kind of wood I got. I said "pine." Well turns out I did not in fact get pine like I thought but hardwood, snag number two. This apparently makes things ten times harder. Harder to cut, harder to work with, and pretty much impossible to go from the 2 x 4 to the hard wood since you are going from soft to hard or vise-versa. So we decided to glue them instead of screw the pieces together. Change of plans... oh well. 

Reading the wood glue I came to realize I had just hit snag number three. I needed to clamp the two pieces together for at least 30 minutes. I didn't have a clamp or vice. My resourceful mother ended up finding some old weights and we were able to glue the top platform on to the bottom platform and let them dry over night. The next morning I held my breath as we removed the weights and I tested out the strength of the glue. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. They are looking pretty good. 

Now, I am on a hunt for rubber jar openers to create a non-slip surface... this is the truly hard part. I can't seem to find them anywhere!! Crossing my fingers that I will come across them or something similar soon. Many of you may ask if this is really necessary, but Cami's little paws slip off the back blocks and/or the blocks start to slide apart making her have to stretch out further than I want. 

Camden and I have already started working with the blocks as is and I hope that will teach her how to stand still and stack! I will let you know how that works... so far she is just unsure around them, but likes it ok as long as there are plenty of Zuke's involved. 

Unfinished stacking blocks without rubber grips
I will try to get finished pictures posted when they are done and get some pictures of Camden using them!! 


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Side Note)

Side NoteThis is truly my favorite time of year. If I could I would probably live at "The North Pole" with Santa and all of his helpers. This season always makes reflect on the past year and count all my blessings. Besides being happy, healthy, and employed... I can say that I am the proud owner of two wonderful dogs. Quinn will always be my personal little Christmas miracle... compliments of my parents. She truly was unexpected and long awaited. 

Because of her I am now a proud owner of a toller pup! Camden continues to amaze me in so many ways. I was sure we was going to attempt to kill our Christmas tree this year. So many "balls" and fun "toys" on the tree who could blame her for taking a running leap at all that fun. We just put it up this past Sunday and I am proud to report not even a bark or attempt to tackle it! 

Cami laid down and watched me put it up at one point her tail was even wound up in some lights. None of it seemed to phase her. She eventually got bored watching me (it takes a couple hours) so she went and cuddled with her "sister" on the couch. They are truly best friends.

Quinn using Camden's head as a pillow - such great helpers. 

I am so proud of my little girl. She really is pretty mellow for a 7 month old puppy. She is completely potty trained... knows sit, up, down, off... and a few other commands that she is getting with time. 

- Ashley 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Welcome to the World of Conformation

As I sit here I can't help but reflect on how far Cami and I have come in six weeks. Last night was our last conformation class (for the time being). We officially finished our first session and will be gladly signing up for another 6 week class in January. Our instructor was patient and very kind with my limited knowledge and my novice mistakes. Penny graciously was gentle with her criticism and corrections. She made it fun for both Cami and I. She has shared her wealth of knowledge with me and I will be forever grateful.
I am also saddened to think that we won't be heading out on Thursday nights to go to class. It is truly a lot of fun and a great bonding experience with your dog. I can only shake my head and wonder what Penny thought of me. An eager learner and a blank slate I hope! The look on my face must have said it all when she asked if I knew anything about showing. I sheepishly replied, "I've watched a few on TV and that is about it." "No worries," she said, "we will get you all squared away."
Several times over the six weeks I felt like saying 'There is NO WAY Camden is going to do THAT!' Every single time I was proven wrong. Cami kept surprising me... every single class. In last week's class we did an 'invisible lead' session. We were supposed to show our pups without a lead. I just shook my head. I was so sure Cami wasn't going to listen to a word I said. I started around the ring and to my surprise Camden followed. She jumped after the treat in my hand a few times but she did it! And at the end she did a free stack like a pro.... ok not like a pro, but SHE DIDN'T SIT DOWN!
All the credit for these small achievements goes to Penny and Camden. Penny gave me the tools and guidance and Cami took over. She has constantly showed no fear when being asked to balance on a medicine ball or to walk over an agility ladder. She follows me without much prompting. She truly trusts me heart and soul and has a lot of confidence in herself. I think many people, including myself could learn a thing or two from her.
We also practiced going around the ring and having other dogs run up on us and metal chairs falling over.... gates collapsing... cheering, clapping, chanting... basically lots of noise. Cami always kept on moving. A few times she would stutter a step or glance back at the noise.... but the gait was never truly lost. If she was stacked... she would look but not break the stack. I just am floored that a 6 month old puppy is able to do so much! She is such a smart girl and is taking to showing like a duck to water.
I'm going to miss our weekly classes with Penny and can't wait for the next round to start up in January!! Until then it looks like it is going to be practicing at home and asking lots of advice on here! - Ashley

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Post - Be Kind.

This is a short and sweet post. I'm currently putting together this blog to talk about and share my experiences with my wonderful Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Camden. Also known as Seastar's Misty Morning Camden. I hope to start showing her soon. We are currently in Conformation classes and getting better, but a 6 month old puppy and a novice owner/handler have a LOT to learn. Tips and advice are always welcome, but be kind.... this is my first go around. Thank you for reading!
