Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Matchmaker, Matchmaker - Make me a Match

Find me a Find . Catch me a Catch

Last Friday a toller friend of our, Deena, messaged me on Facebook asking if I was going to the match in Saco. I didn't even know there was one, but when she told me it was at Paw-zn-Around in Saco I knew exactly what it was. Penny Cary, our instructor for our conformation class last year stated she was going have a match there outside. Only problem was she told me it was going to be in May before the Scarborough shows. 

I talked it over with my parents, because I wanted them to come and bring Casco for some socialization. After very little debate we were set on going. The next morning we headed out with Camden and Casco to Paw-zn-Around. It was neat to show my parents where the classes were. We had passed it many times going down the turnpike, but being there was different. It was a gorgeous fall day -- blue skies, sun shinning, and a bit of a crispness to the air. When we pulled into the parking lot I saw a banner hanging on a fence -- Pine Tree State Doberman Pinscher Club. This was it! Penny was sitting there at the table and recognized us. We signed Camden up for conformation (12-18 months) and a CGC test (why not!). I will admit my parents completely talked me into the CGC. I had read over a few times and really want Camden to get it ASAP so we can work towards therapy dog work. Anyways, we hung around waiting for conformation to start. I was working with Camden on her free-stacking while my parents walked around with Casco trying to get him to mellow out a bit. I was going to have to show her and I was a bit nervous. Even though this was just for fun... I still get anxious going into the ring. 

I had never been to a match and there weren't too many dogs, but the most of any breed was Great Danes. A good handful of them. We started off with breed judging. Camden and I were the only NSDTR so it was pretty easy to move on. Now, I wasn't sure what it would be like in there. The judge was very talkative -- giving tips and encouragement. She really made you work for it. Did two go arounds at first because she said I should engage Camden and talk with her. Also, she really like the pace -- said it was beautiful for Camden. Now anyone who has shown Camden knows just how easy it is. She gaits really well and easily. So that was all Camden. My biggest fear is handstacking. I'm still not comfortable with it and I bet my first attempt was awful. The judge helped me -- told me to hold her head and place front since she wouldn't move... then go to the back. She is right, it did look much better. The first down and back was fine until the end the judge went to Camden and she did her jump up. The judge let me do it again and apologized, lol. Second attempt Camden struck a pose and didn't jump! After getting first placement we got to pick a toy. They were laid out on the table and she had Camden put her paws up to pick one out, but then she pulled an extra long rope out of the bin and that was it. Camden grabbed it from her giving a good tug. She laughed and said "I think we have a winner." It was a lot of fun and I got some good tips.

Staying around and watching all the other dogs and competitors was fun. We then got to go in to our first Sporting Group! I wasn't sure but I figured what the heck. This time I was a lot more sure of myself and remember the tips from the judge. We had to go around together and everything all over again. Also had to stack our dogs in the middle of the ring while she looked over them. Camden just kept looking at me and didn't look super comfortable. She gave me a few "you aren't Debbie!" looks!! I thought for sure we were gonners! But she chose us!! GROUP ONE FOR CAMDEN!!!!! WAHOO!! I was so proud and happy. It didn't matter that this wasn't "real" and there were no points, but I had shown Camden to a group 1 placement! Judge said she really liked Camden and thought she was a sweetie. Now on to the Best in Match or BIM. Camden and I had some fierce competition. Camden and I did much better in the BIM. I remembered what Penny had taught me about putting bait on the ground in front of the dog during evaluation to get the dog to focus on it. Worked like a charm!! She didn't lean into me or look at me weird. She did really well and had finally gotten over her "You aren't Debbie!". We also had to free stack in the middle of the ring this time... unlike during our class Camden could do this now! She also gave "ears" or a look the judge was looking for. In the end we didn't win BIM a Leonburger did. Camden did so well. The judge (who was different from the Breed/Sporting Group) came up to us afterwards and stated how much she just loved Camden and thought she was really cute. She also took the time to tell me what an excellent job she thought I did of showing her. BLUSHING!! Penny also took time to tell me how well I did. I guess I am not as bad as I thought!!

Camden with her Placement Ribbon from the Mega Match!

After the BIM it was on to the CGC. The CGC "tester" for lack of a better term was really awesome. He walked me through everything and Camden did really well. She had no problems with loose leash walking, sitting, waiting/staying, and coming when called! She allowed me to greet him without even a look. She didn't even jump on him when he greeted her! She had no problems when I left her with him. She just sat by his side as I walked away. Stayed sitting with him as I returned not even a moment of panic!! She let him brush her and even seemed to enjoy it. She also had absolutely no problems when he brought a crutch in the testing area and no problems when he proceeded to bang a pan with it. She looked at him but not even a bark, pull, or notion of being scared! She did fabulous... better than I could of predicted! Now... I should tell you she did not pass. LOL She would not go "down". This is not her fault in all my reading and skimming I didn't realize you had to do sit AND down. I somehow thought it was OR. I have not really worked or taught Camden to lay down. She has no idea. She was looking at me like... "WHAT?! I'm sitting her so pretty." I could tell the guy felt bad not passing Camden, but he did say that as soon as I teach her down (he thought even in a few days) to call Paw-zn-Around and we could schedule another test -- he was extremely confident she would pass. She would of if I had taught her down. It was awesome to see that she was so much farther along than I thought. It made a great end to a great event! Penny asked if we passed and wished us luck next time. She once again stated how much she enjoys Camden. We told her to be on the look out for Casco soon!! 

We do have a lot of work before he will focus enough to get anything out of a conformation class, but without a doubt we will be signing him up for one of her classes. I'm hoping I can make it, but if my work doesn't allow it my mother has already volunteered to take him and learn a thing or two about conformation. If you are wondering he also did a lot better than we expected and didn't freak out and scream. He was a little vocal in the beginning but seemed for calm down after an hour or so. I'm proud of both my dogs!

I had such a great time at this Mega Match Day!! I do not have any videos or pictures from the actual event since I was in the ring and my parents were watching us and Casco and just enjoying the moment. I also found out from Penny that it was rescheduled from May because the first date was rained out. Next year it should be right before Scarborough and the first show of the season. It will be great practice and I can't wait to go next year!! 

That is all for now. 

So long from Toller Troubles